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Thursday, May 26, 2005

Dimes Must Die And A Face Only A Motherf--ker Could Love

A link from Sondrak sent me to ihatedimes.com and the nutty flash animation of a dime eating a baby. Just go there, put your cursor over the dime and move it around. You'll see, you'll ALL see!

Then there's this!

5/27 update: Here's snopes.com's take on this fine figurative of a man. If he wasn't a sex offender I'd feel bad for him. He probably suffers from Crouzon's Syndrome.

Doesn't he look like Jack Black if he fell out of the Mars station in Total Recall?


Blogger Richard said...

Emerson, what the hell is that thing?

8:35 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


1:42 AM


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